Join us to.....
Be the first to hear about innovative programmes such as the WELLNESS AND RESILIENCE Programme, ALARM and QUICKSMART.
Have your say on how the school can improve student learning.
Sample some of our canteen’s home-made goodies for supper.
Become part of deciding where P&C funds should be spent.
Have your say on the development of new school initiatives.
Get involved with the school uniform shop and canteen committees or simply give your input.
Have a voice in the future development of CHHS as the town of Castle Hill continues to develop.
Meet other parents and share parenting ideas for teens.
Make new friends.
Membership of the P&C is open to all parents and guardians of pupils attending the school and to all community citizens. The P&C is always keen to welcome new members and particularly members who access or have an interest in the services provided by the P&C. Meetings are held at least twice a term on the third Wednesday of the month. The P&C operates panels where your contribution would be greatly appreciated.
Annual membership is $1 and entitles you to be involved in the decision making of the P&C , in accordance with the constitution and by-laws. Membership fees are due annually, and are valid until the close of the first meeting of the following calendar year.
You are recognised as a financial member of the Castle Hill High School P&C Association after the meeting closes at which you pay your membership. The Treasurer, or appointed representative, shall issue you a receipt for this payment, you should retain the receipt for the current P&C Association year as proof of your membership.
Should you choose not to pay the membership fee, you are still welcome to participate as an observer but will not be able to vote or hold office.
Interested in a more active role?
The School Executive and the P&C have a very good working relationship at Castle Hill High School.
We are hoping to continue this positive relationship as we move ahead in planning for the future of Castle Hill High School with the issues of Wi-Fi safety and the impact the re-zoning and development of Castle Hill will have on our school, high on our list.
If you are interested in becoming more involved and having a voice in the P&C then please email: for more details.
Even if you are unable to join the team, please do come along to our relaxed and very informative meetings.
WE HOPE TO SEE YOU at our next P&C Meeting. Staff Common Room, Block A, Level 1.
CONTACT: Membership
Over the phone or online
Get in touch with Membership:
ABN: 53 809 007 900
Castle Hill High School P&C Association
Castle Hill High School
Castle Street